Sunday, November 08, 2015


205.5g packet (21) OREO Classic

crushed 40g butter

melted 750g Block Cream Cheese softened 

3/4 cup  sugar

2 teaspoons gelatine

dissolved in ¼ cup boiling water 400g

TOBLERONE Milk Chocolate

melt 300g and cool slightly

roughly chop remaining 100g

 1 cup thickened cream

whipped 1 sachet Dark Flake

Sprinkles Berries for serving 

COMBINE the OREO and butter in a bowl. Press mixture into the base of a greased and base lined 24cm springform pan. Chill. BEAT the CREAM CHEESE and sugar with an electric mixer until smooth.

Add the gelatine and mix until combined, then beat in the melted TOBLERONE. Fold through the cream then pour into the prepared base.

SPRINKLE the Flake over the top of the cheesecake then stud with chunks of TOBLERONE.

Chill for 3 hours or until set. Slice and serve with berries.

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