Friday, November 06, 2015



Cookie birdhouses with adorable jelly bean birdies are almost too cute to eat....

Food crafts are the perfect way to keep the kids busy. Put your favorite little builders to work on these mini, completely edible bird houses. They even have their own residents — jelly bean birdies.

Your building materials are sugar wafers which come in the standard vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry — but if you check stores you may even be able to find some other flavors. I've seen lemon or cookies and cream sugar wafers in some stores recently.

Use a knife to cut out your birdhouse sides and roofs. A regular straw works great for making the birdhouse hole opening. Melting candy wafers or vanilla chips serve as the "glue".

Once assembled, they make a fun little treat for the kids and they would even be adorable as cake or cupcake toppers too.

Mini cookie birdhouses recipe


1 package vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry sugar wafers — 
you will need about 3-4 wafers per house (depending on how large the wafers are)

2 cups white melting candy wafers (or you can coordinate the color with your sugar wafer colors)

Assorted colors of jelly beansYellow melting candy wafers (for bird details)Black food writerLarge heart-shaped sprinklesStraw (for making the bird house hole)


For the house, cut 2 sugar wafers to give them pointed ends — these pieces will be the front and back of your house.Then, cut 2 pieces of rectangular-shaped sugar wafers — these will be the bottom of your house. They should be longer than the width of your pointed wafers as the birds will need to sit on the end of these pieces.Cut 2 rectangular shapes for the roof.

Cut them long enough to cover the pointed sides of your first pieces. Use the pictures above as a guide.Using your straw, punch out a hole on one of the pointed sugar wafer pieces.

This will be the birdhouse opening.Melt candy wafers or chips in a Ziplock bag in the microwave in 10 second intervals until all melted.

Snip the corner of one end to pipe the candy.Add some melted candy to the pointed sugar wafers and "glue" them together. Do the same for the rectangular pieces that will be your base. Glue the pointed sugar wafers on top of your base while making sure there is enough room at the end for your birds.

Glue the pieces that will be your roof on each side of the pointed sugar wafers. You may need to experiment with your first house to see what will be the right fit.

Cut a small piece of wafer and glue it to the very top of the birdhouse to give it a more completed look.

Glue a large heart-shaped sprinkle above your birdhouse opening (optional).Using yellow melting wafers, attach jelly beans to the ends of your bird houses.

Add the beaks and feet with yellow melting wafers.Add bird eyes with a black food writer.

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